Sunday, August 28, 2011

Government publishes list of £300m list of assets transferring to HCA

The government has today published a list of more than £300m of land and property assets being transferred to the Homes and Communities as a part of the closure of the UK’s eight Regional Development Agencies.

The list of 408 assets, being published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, includes a wide range of properties including industrial, residential, land and office assets.

HCA chief executive Pat Ritchie said: ““Today’s announcement marks a key milestone in the RDA land and property asset transfer to the HCA. We look forward to the completion of this process, and building on our existing relationships with local partners to deliver the best outcome for local communities through future development and disposal of the former RDA assets.”  

Under the Public Bodies Bill, which is currently going through Parliament, the RDAs will ceases to exist in March 2012.

The HCA will take over the stewardship of the RDAs properties, meaning it will own and manage the portfolios at a national level.

A number of RDA coalfield land and property assets - 52 assets across 43 sites - have already transferred to the HCA as of 1 August 2011.  The transfer is expected to take place on September 19.

To view a full list of the assets being transferred click here.

View the original article here

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